Opening your HTML code through VS Code

less than 1 minute read

Being a past Sublime PC user, I would right click the html file and select Open in Browser. Pretty simple. However, now I would like to go through this process in VS Code.

How would I open HTML code from VS Code into my web browser, particularly Google Chrome?

Well, boy oh boy, here is the solution for you, provided in this article:

  1. Open VS Code

  2. Enter CTRL+Shift+P

  3. In the opened pallette selection, enter in Configure Task Run

  4. You will then click build, in which a* task.json *file will appear.

  5. Replace the text with the following:

Json Object seen below (image from stack overflow link, below


“version”: “0.1.0”,

“command”: “Chrome”,

“windows”: {

“command”: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe”


“args”: [“${file}”]


Stack Overflow Link to “How to View HTMl Code in Browser

  1. Save the task.json file

  2. Enter CTRL+Shift+B (Similar to that of Sublime Text) [It’s okay to re-load]

And presto! You are done.


Raul Maldonado

Note: Mac user editing can be found in Stack Overflow link above, after raw json code.